Volunteering is a great way to see a show for free. However, a seat is not guaranteed. If a show sells out, there will be no seats available for volunteers. The only guaranteed way to see the show is to sign up for a Ramps position where you’ll be able to see the show from whichever ramp you are stationed.
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Usher on March 17, 2024
Start Time: 1:30 pmEnd Time: 4:00 pm
Corn Stock Theatre is a not-for-profit community theatre celebrating its 71st season in 2024. The organization is seeking volunteers to assist with show related activities including costumes, set construction, painting, lights, props, hair, make up, and other behind the scenes tasks. Corn Stock is also looking for volunteers to assist with concessions, sitting ramps, grounds maintenance and house managing. Volunteers who prefer administrative tasks are also needed: clerical help, fundraising, marketing, committee members, and box office volunteers are welcome.
All volunteers are encouraged to attend the various planned social events throughout the year, including the end of the season Recognition Dinner in September. We would love to have you join us!
For more information or to volunteer for any position, please contact the Corn Stock Office at 309-676-2196.